Washington Sanitary Drainage Systems

  • 4 Hour Course
  • 4.1 9 Reviews
  • $39.00

Plumbers in Washington who take this four-hour course will learn about what goes into designing, installing, and maintaining efficient sanitary drainage systems (SDS) in commercial and residential settings.

Find out what makes a well-designed SDS by reviewing:

  • Proper installation practices—planning, material selection, and an overview of relevant codes commonly adopted in the United States
  • Sizing methods—including assigning drainage fixture units (DFU), determining system drainage load, horizontal drainage slope using Darcy and Manning’s formula, and alternative calculation methods for sizing
  • Fluid dynamics—piping layout and system design
  • Alternative systems and methods—eco-friendly and sustainable practices; advanced and non-traditional sanitary drainage systems
  • Grease interceptors—including installation, maintenance, and best practices for placement

The knowledge provided in this course will strengthen your foundation for continued study and practice. Lessons also show the essential role SDS plays in protecting public and environmental health.

Multiple-choice quizzes at the end of each section confirm material understanding. Detailed answers and explanations are also included to help identify areas that require further study.

  • Course ID(s): WA2024-679
  • Approved By: Washington Department of Labor & Industries

Instructor Bio

Randy Drake Profile

Randy Drake is a licensed, master plumber with over 32 years' experience in the industry. He founded a plumbing business in 1993 which he successfully sold in 2013. He currently works for a plumbing company based in Traverse City, Michigan.

Course Reviews

9 Reviews