This 24-hour package includes all required topics and is approved for Washington plumbers. The included courses are:
- 2021 UPC Update with Washington Amendments - 12 hours
- Sanitary Drainage System - 4 hours
- Water Heaters - 4 hours
- 2020 NEC Changes to Chapters 1 & 3 - 4 hours
Show Course ID: 0
- Approved By: Washington Department of Labor & Industries
- 2020 NEC
- Chapter 1 [6 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Chapter One (Video)
- 02. Article 100 Definitions
- 03. Fault Current and Available Fault Current (Video)
- 04. Article 100 Definitions Cont.
- 05. Subsection 110.12(C) Mechanical Execution of Work (Video)
- 06. Article 110 Requirements for Electrical Installations
- Chapter 3 [7 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Chapter Three (Video)
- 02. Article 300 General Requirements for Wiring Methods and Materials
- 03. Article 310 Conductors for General Wiring
- 04. Article 311 - Medium Voltage Cable (Video)
- 05. Article 311-320
- 06. Articles 334-350
- 07. Articles 370-392
- 2020 NEC Changes to Chapters 1 & 3 - Final Exam (100 questions)
- Chapter 1 [6 Activities]
- 2021 Update on Significant Changes to the 2018 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC)
- Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Introduction & Chapter 2 Definitions [4 Activities]
- 01. 2021 Uniform Plumbing Code: A Guide to Important Changes (Video)
- 02. Changes in the UPC: How Changes Are Delineated in the 2021 UPC
- 03. 2021 UPC Changes Conclusion (Video)
- 04. Chapter 2 Definitions
- Chapter 2 Quiz (30 questions)
- Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 3 General Regulations [2 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 3 General Regulations & Chapter 4 Plumbing Fixtures (Video)
- 02. Chapter 3 General Regulations
- Chapter 3 Quiz (24 questions)
- Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 4 Plumbing Fixtures [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 4 Plumbing Fixtures
- Chapter 4 Quiz (25 questions)
- Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 5 Water Heaters [1 Activities]
- 01. Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 5 Water Heaters
- Chapter 5 Quiz (22 questions)
- Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 6 Water Supply and Distribution [2 Activities]
- 01. A Brave New World for Drinking Water Treatment Units (Video)
- 02. Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 6 Water Supply and Distribution
- Chapter 6 Quiz (25 questions)
- Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 7 - Sanitary Drainage [3 Activities]
- 01. Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 7 Through 11 Sanitary Drainage, Indirect Wastes, Vents, Traps and Interceptors & Storm Drainage
- 02. Basics of Sanitary Drainage Systems (Video)
- 03. UPC Chapter 7 Sanitary Drainage
- Chapter 7 Quiz (30 questions)
- Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapters 8 through 11 [1 Activities]
- 01. UPC Chapters 8 [Indirect Wastes], 9 [Vents], 10 [Traps and Interceptors] & 11 [Storm Drainage]
- Chapters 8 - 11 Quiz (85 questions)
- Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 12 Fuel Gas Piping [3 Activities]
- 01. Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 12 Fuel Gas Piping
- 02. UPC Chapter 12 Fuel Gas Piping
- 03. UPC Chapter 12 Fuel Gas Piping
- Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 13 Health Care Facilities and Medical Gas and Medical Vacuum Systems [2 Activities]
- 01. The 2021 UPC Reimagines Chapter 13 Medical Gas and Vacuum Systems for Health Care Facilities
- 02. Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 13 Health Care Facilities and Medical Gas and Medical Vacuum Systems
- Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapters 15 through 17 [3 Activities]
- 01. Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Chapter 15 AlternateWater Sources for Nonpotable Applications, Chapter 16 Nonpotable Rainwater Catchment System & Chapter 17 Referenced Standards
- 02. UPC Chapter 15 AlternateWater Sources for Nonpotable Applications
- 03. UPC Chapter 16 Nonpotable Rainwater Catchment Systems
- Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Appendix N [2 Activities]
- 01. A New Appendix for the 2021 UPC Answers the Question: Can We Prevent Scalding and Legionella Growth At the Same Time?
- 02. New Appendix N Impact of Water Temperature on the Potential for Scalding and Legionella Growth
- Significant Changes to the 2021 UPC Introduction & Chapter 2 Definitions [4 Activities]
- 2021 UPC: Washington State-Specific Amendments
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 1 Administration. [2 Activities]
- 01. 2021 UPC: Washington State-Specific Amendments
- 02. Chapter One, Administration.
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 2 Definitions [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 2, Definitions
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 2 Quiz (20 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 3 General Regulations [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 3 General Regulations
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 3 Quiz (18 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 4 Plumbing Fixtures and Fixture Fittings [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 4, Plumbing Fixtures and Fixture Fittings
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 4 Quiz (12 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 5 Water Heaters [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 5, Water Heaters.
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 5 Quiz (13 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 6 Water Supply Systems [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 6, Water Supply Systems
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 6 Quiz (8 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 7 Sanitary Drainage [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 7, Sanitary Drainage
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 7 Quiz (8 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 8 Indirect Wastes [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 8, Indirect Wastes
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 8 Quiz (8 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 9 Vents [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 9, Vents
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 9 Quiz (11 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 10 Traps and Interceptors [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 10, Traps and Interceptors
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 10 Quiz (10 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 11 Storm Drainage [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 11, Storm Drainage
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 11 Quiz (9 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 13 Health Care Facilities & Medical Gas & Medical Vacuum Systems [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 13, Health Care Facilities and Medical Gas and Medical Vacuum Systems
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 13 Quiz (8 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 15 Alternative Water Sources for Nonpotable Applications [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 15 Alternative Water Sources for Nonpotable Applications
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 15 Quiz (6 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 16 Nonpotable Rainwater Catchment Systems [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 16, Nonpotable Rainwater Catchment Systems
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 16 Quiz (6 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 17 Referenced Standards [1 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 17, Referenced Standards
- Washington Amendments - Chapter 17 Quiz (5 questions)
- Washington State-Specific Information: Chapter 1 Administration. [2 Activities]
- Sanitary Drainage Systems
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Introduction [1 Activities]
- 01. Sanitary Drainage Systems for Plumbing
- Basics of Sanitary Drainage Systems [1 Activities]
- 01. The Basics of Sanitary Drainage Systems
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Quiz 1 (17 questions)
- Sizing of Systems [1 Activities]
- 01. Sizing of Systems
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Quiz 2 (19 questions)
- Installation [1 Activities]
- 01. Installation
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Quiz 3 (19 questions)
- Codes and Standards [1 Activities]
- 01. Codes and Standards
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Quiz 4 (12 questions)
- Technical Considerations: Design and Engineering Principles [1 Activities]
- 01. Technical Considerations: Design and Engineering Principles
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Quiz 5 (10 questions)
- Technical Considerations: Materials and Equipment Standards [1 Activities]
- 01. Technical Considerations: Materials and Equipment Standards
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Quiz 6 (9 questions)
- Alternative Sanitary Systems and Methods: Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Practices [1 Activities]
- 01. Alternative Sanitary Systems and Methods: Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Practices
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Quiz 7 (13 questions)
- Alternative Sanitary Systems and Methods: Advanced and Non-Traditional Systems [1 Activities]
- 01. Alternative Sanitary Systems and Methods: Advanced and Non-Traditional Systems
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Quiz 8 (12 questions)
- Grease Interceptors: Functionality and Efficiency [1 Activities]
- 01. Grease Interceptors: Functionality and Efficiency
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Quiz 9 (9 questions)
- Grease Interceptors: Installation and Maintenance [1 Activities]
- 01. Grease Interceptors: Installation and Maintenance
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Quiz 10 (8 questions)
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Conclusion [1 Activities]
- 01. Conclusion
- Sanitary Drainage Systems - Introduction [1 Activities]
- Water Heaters
- Introduction to Water Heaters [1 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Water Heaters
- Types of Water Heaters Overview [1 Activities]
- 01. Types of Water Heaters, Overview
- Water Heaters - Quiz 1 (12 questions)
- Important Terms/Glossary [1 Activities]
- 01. Important Terms/Glossary
- Water Heaters - Quiz 2 (9 questions)
- Water Heater Parts: Gas & Electric (General Overview) [1 Activities]
- 01. Water Heater Parts: Gas & Electric (General Overview)
- Water Heaters - Quiz 3 (9 questions)
- Basics of Operation [1 Activities]
- 01. Basics of Operation
- Water Heaters - Quiz 4 (9 questions)
- Codes & Standards [1 Activities]
- 01. Codes & Standards
- Water Heaters - Quiz 5 (9 questions)
- Pressure [1 Activities]
- 01. Pressure
- Water Heaters - Quiz 6 (9 questions)
- Water Heater Sizing [1 Activities]
- 01. Water Heater Sizing
- Water Heaters - Quiz 7 (9 questions)
- Maintenance [1 Activities]
- 01. Maintenance
- Water Heaters - Quiz 8 (9 questions)
- Safety [1 Activities]
- 01. Safety
- Water Heaters - Quiz 9 (9 questions)
- Hydronic Systems [1 Activities]
- 01. Hydronic Systems
- Water Heaters - Quiz 10 (9 questions)
- Energy Conservation [1 Activities]
- 01. Energy Conservation
- Water Heaters - Quiz 11 (12 questions)
- Commercial Water Heaters [1 Activities]
- 01. Commercial Water Heaters
- Water Heaters - Quiz 12 (9 questions)
- Innovation in Commercial Materials and Technology [1 Activities]
- 01. Innovation in Commercial Materials and Technology
- Water Heaters - Quiz 13 (6 questions)
- Water Heaters - Conclusion [1 Activities]
- 01. Conclusion
- Water Heaters - Quiz 14 (5 questions)
- Introduction to Water Heaters [1 Activities]
- Course Completion
- Mandatory Questionnaire
- Washington 4 Hour 2020 NEC Changes to Chapters 1 & 3 - Certificate of Achievement (1 of 4)
- 2021 UPC Update with Washington Amendments - Certificate of Achievement (2 of 4)
- Washington Sanitary Drainage Systems - Certificate of Achievement (3 of 4)
- Washington Water Heaters - Certificate of Achievement (4 of 4)
- Expedited Reporting Available
Instructor Bio

Randy Drake is a licensed, master plumber with over 32 years' experience in the industry. He founded a plumbing business in 1993 which he successfully sold in 2013. He currently works for a plumbing company based in Traverse City, Michigan.