Washington RCW/WAC Update | (2023)

  • 4 Hour Course
  • 4.7 33 Reviews
  • $40.00

This course is designed for all licensed electricians in Washington and fulfills all four of the required hours of continuing education (CE) on Washington Rule & Law. It is designed to complement 20 hours of class time on changes to the 2023 NEC in order to fulfill the entire 24 hours of CE that must be completed during this license renewal cycle.

The class includes a survey of the most recent version of General Requirements for Electrical Installations in WAC 296-46B followed by a discussion of every change to the model 2023 NEC selected as particularly significant by the Electrical Board of the L&I in the June 2023 Special Edition of Electrical Currents. The bulk of the class covers all Washington amendments to the 2023 NEC from the Electrical Currents list plus 35 additional amendments critical to how electrical work is performed in the state and ends with a brief look at RCW 19.28.041.

  • Course ID(s): WA2023-414
  • Approved By: Washington Department of Labor & Industries

Instructor Bio

Jerry Durham

Jerry previously served the state of North Carolina as a Level III electrical inspector and provided state-approved electrical training for electrical inspectors at both Alamance County and Guilford County (NC) Community Colleges. Jerry taught the Kentucky state-approved four-year electrical apprenticeship programs offered by the Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) Trade School and Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Trade School, and served the state of Kentucky as a Master Electrician and Louisville Metro Code Enforcement Officer. Jerry is a Certified Distance Education Instructor (CDEI) and NCCER Core and Electrical Curriculum certified instructor. Jerry currently holds North Carolina and ICC electrical inspector accreditations and is recognized by the state of Washington as an approved electrical administrator.

Course Reviews

33 Reviews