Oregon 4 Hour Safety Training for Plumbers
4 Hour Course
- 4.3 9 Reviews
- $35.00
The 4 hour class on Safety Training for Plumbers in Oregon is a code-related class for licensed plumbers to assist in enhancing safety in the workplace. It begins with a short introduction to the subject and then speaks to the organization responsible for oversight of workplace safety in America and in Oregon, then provides an overview of workplace safety in general. From there, the class moves into the subject of Hazardous Substances and Environmental Risks. Once the student has been given information regarding hazardous substances, they will move on into workplace hazards, such as working with gas lines. Other topics the student will receive instruction in will include working around hydrogen sulfide gases and biological hazards.
Finally the student will be exposed to Physical Hazards, what they are and how they can be avoided or mitigated. As an added bonus, the student will learn about NFPA 70 (The National Electrical Code) and NFPA 70E (Standard for Electrical Safety in The Workplace) and how they relate to plumbers in the state of Oregon.
During the class, the student will have their knowledge checked through in-text questions.
Show Course ID: 1
- Course ID(s): 28505233
- Approved By: Oregon BCD
Instructor Bio

Randy Drake is a licensed, master plumber with over 32 years' experience in the industry. He founded a plumbing business in 1993 which he successfully sold in 2013. He currently works for a plumbing company based in Traverse City, Michigan.