Oregon 24-Hour Package for Journeymen
24 Hour Course
- 4.8 121 Reviews
- $169.00
This 24-hour package for Oregon Journeymen includes courses approved by the Oregon Building Codes Division and covers all required hours for license renewal.
Courses include:
- 2023 NEC Changes Part 1
- 2023 NEC Changes Part 2
- Installation Checklists (2023 NEC)
- OESC and Oregon Rules
Show Course ID: 0
- Approved By: Oregon Building Codes Division
- Installation Checklists (2023 NEC)
- Installation Checklists (2023 NEC) [50 Activities]
- 01. Underground - 300.5(F) Backfill
- 02. Underground - 300.5(H) Bushings
- 03. Underground - 300.5(J) Earth Movement
- 04. Underground - Table 300.5(A) Minimum Cover Distance
- 05. Underground - 300.5(G) Raceway Seals
- 06. Underground - 314.27(B) Floor Boxes
- 07. Underground - 250.52(A)(3) Concrete-Encased Electrode
- 08. Rough Inspection - Rough Inspection Basics
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Rough Inspection - 517.13(A) Branch Circuits Serving Patient Care Areas
- 10. Rough Inspection - 110.12(A) Unused Openings
- 11. Rough Inspection - 330.30 MC Cable; Securing and Supporting
- 12. Rough Inspection - 342.14, 344.14, and 358.14 Dissimilar Metals
- 13. Rough Inspection - Article 100 Definitions: Accessible
- 14. Rough Inspection - 300.4(A)(1) Cables and Raceways Through Wood Members; Bored Holes
- 15. Above the Ceiling - 300.11(A)&(B) Secured In Place
- 16. Above the Ceiling - 200.4(B) Multiple Circuits
- 17. Above the Ceiling - 424.66/110.26(A)(4) Duct Heaters with Limited Access Above Ceiling/Working Space; Limited Access
- 18. Above the Ceiling - 410.110(A) Special Provisions for Flush and Recessed Luminaires; Clearance from Combustible Material
- 19. Above the Ceiling - 590.3(D) Removal of Temporary Wiring
- 20. Above the Ceiling - 300.22(C) Other Spaces Used for Environmental Air
- 21. Above the Ceiling - 250.104(A)(B)(C) Bonding of Piping and Exposed Structural Steel
- 22. Above the Ceiling - 410.117(C) Luminaires; Tap Conductors
- 23. Above the Ceiling - 300.21 Spread of Fire or Products of Combustion
- 24. Rooftop - 250.110 Equipment Fastened in Place or Connected by Permanent Wiring Methods
- 25. Rooftop - 250.12 Clean Surfaces
- 26. Rooftop - 110.22(A) Identification of Disconnecting Means
- 27. Rooftop - 250.97 Bonding for Over 250 Volts
- 28. Rooftop - 440.4(B) Marking on HVAC Equipment
- 29. Rooftop - 314.23(E)&(F) Raceway Supported Enclosures
- 30. Rooftop - 210.63(A) Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Equipment Outlet
- 31. Service, Panelboards, Transformers - 110.24 Available Fault Current
- 32. Service, Panelboards, Transformers - 200.6 Identification of Grounded Conductors
- 33. Service, Panelboards, Transformers - 250.119 Identification of Equipment Grounding Conductors
- 34. Service, Panelboards, Transformers - 210.5(C)(1) & 235.5(C)(1) Identification of Ungrounded Conductors
- 35. Service, Panelboards, Transformers - 110.26(A)(1) Working Space
- 36. Service, Panelboards, Transformers - 408.5 Clearance for Conductor Entering Bus Enclosures
- 37. Service, Panelboards, Transformers - 250.30(A)(1) System Bonding Jumpers
- 38. Service, Panelboards, Transformers - 250.30(A)(4&5) Grounding Electrode and Grounding Electrode Conductor, Single Separately Derived System
- 39. Final Inspection - 450.10(A) Grounding of Dry-Type Transformer Enclosures
- 40. Final Inspection - 700.12 General Requirements
- 41. Final Inspection - 700.16 Emergency Illumination, Part 1
- 42. Final Inspection - 700.16 Emergency Illumination, Part 2
- 43. Final Inspection - 110.3(B) Installation and Use
- 44. Final Inspection - 427.22 Pipelines and Vessels; Ground-Fault Protection of Equipment
- 45. Final Inspection - Final Equipment Installation
- 46. Final Inspection - 700.12(H)(2)(3) Battery-Equipped Emergency Luminaires
- 47. Final Inspection - 700.11 Identification of Emergency Lighting Circuits
- 48. Final Inspection - 210.8 GFCI Protection for Personnel
- 49. Final Inspection - 110.25 Lockable Disconnecting Means
- 50. Final Inspection - 408.4(A) Circuit Directory
- Installation Checklists (2023 NEC) [50 Activities]
- OESC and Oregon Rules
- 2023 Oregon Electrical Specialty Code (OESC) [73 Activities]
- 01. 2023 Oregon Electrical Specialty Code (OESC)
- 02. OESC, Introduction.
- 03. 90.4 Enforcement.
- 04. Article 100. Definitions.
- 05. Chapter One
- 06. 110.10 Circuit Impedance, Short-Circuit Current Ratings, and Other Characteristics.
- 07. 110.14(D) Terminal Connection Torque.
- 08. 110.17 Servicing and Maintenance of Equipment.
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- 09. 110.20 Reconditioned Equipment.
- 10. 110.22 Identification of Disconnecting Means. (A) General.
- 11. 110.24(A) Field Marking.
- 12. OESC 110.26(D) Illumination.
- 13. 110.26 Spaces About Electrical Equipment.
- 14. Article 110.31.
- 15. Chapter Two
- 16. 210.8(B) Other than Dwelling Units.
- 17. 210.8 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection for Personnel: 210.8 (D) Specific Appliances.
- 18. 210.8 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection for Personnel: 210.8(E) Equipment Requiring Servicing.
- 19. 210.12 Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection.
- 20. 210.12 (B) Dwelling Units.
- 21. 210.12(C) Dormitory Units. (7) Study Areas.
- 22. 210.52(E)(3) Balconies, Decks, and Porches.
- 23. 210.70 Lighting Outlets Required.
- 24. 230.43 Wiring Methods for 1000 Volts, Nominal, or Less.
- 25. 230.46 Spliced and Tapped Conductors.
- 26. 230.62 Service Equipment - Enclosed or Guarded.
- 27. 230.70(A)(1) Readily Accessible Location.
- 28. 230.71 Maximum Number of Disconnects.
- 29. 230.95 (C) Performance Testing.
- 30. 240.6(D) Remotely Accessible Adjustable-Trip Circuit Breakers.
- 31. 240.24(E) Not Located in Bathrooms.
- 32. 250.52(A)(3) Concrete-Encased Electrode.
- 33. 250.94(A) The Intersystem Bonding Termination Devices.
- 34. 250.118 Types of Equipment Grounding Conductors.
- 35. Chapter Three
- 36. 315.40 Support.
- 37. 334.12(A) Types NM and NMC.
- 38. 334.15(B) Protection from Physical Damage.
- 39. 334.24 Bending Radius.
- 40. 336.10 Uses Permitted.
- 41. 348.30(A) Securely Fastened.
- 42. 362.10(2) and (5) Uses Permitted.
- 43. 392.30 Securing and Supporting.
- 44. OESC 393.14(A) General Requirements.
- 45. 394.12 Uses Not Permitted.
- 46. Chapter Four
- 47. 406.9(A) Damp Locations.
- 48. Article 408: Switchboards, Switchgear, and Panelboards.
- 49. OESC 408.38 Enclosure.
- 50. OESC 410.2 Reconditioned Equipment.
- 51. 422.5(A) General.
- 52. 445.19(C) Emergency Shutdown in One- and Two-Family Dwelling Units.
- 53. 495.49 Reconditioned Switchgear.
- 54. Chapter Five
- 55. 517.13(A) Wiring Methods.
- 56. 547.28 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection.
- 57. 547.44(A) Where Required.
- 58. Article 551.
- 59. 555.35(A) Feeder.
- 60. 555.36(C) Emergency Electrical Disconnect.
- 61. OESC 590.8(A) Where reused, Overcurrent Protective Devices.
- 62. Chapter Six
- 63. 620.6(C) Sump Pumps.
- 64. Article 625 - EV Power Transfer Systems.
- 65. 646.19(C) Entrance to and Egress from Working Space.
- 66. 690.12 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems on Buildings.
- 67. 690.31(C)(1) Single-Conductor Cable.
- 68. Chapters Seven and Eight
- 69. 700.5 (D) Redundant Transfer Equipment.
- 70. 702.4(A)(2) Automatic Load Connection.
- 71. 705.12(A)(3) Feeders and Feeder Taps.
- 72. Article 722.
- 73. 800.24 Mechanical Execution of Work (A) General.
- Statewide Code Interpretations [3 Activities]
- 01. Explanation of Statewide Alternate Methods.
- 02. Applicability of Site-Specific and Statewide Interpretations to Code.
- 03. Process to Find and Request Statewide Code Interpretations.
- Appeals Process [2 Activities]
- 01. Appeals Process: Informal and Formal.
- 02. Code Appeal Process. Administrative Appeal Process.
- Classifications and Location of Electrical Requirements [8 Activities]
- 01. Classifications and Location of Electrical Requirements.
- 02. Licensing Classifications LME, LEA, LEB.
- 03. Locations of Electrical Requirements. ORS, OAR.
- 04. Explanation of Electrical Permit Requirements and Exemptions.
- 05. Licensing Requirements and Continuing Education.
- 06. Minor Installation Labels, Scope of Work Allowed.
- 07. Clarification of Electrical Licensing and Exemptions.
- 08. Review of Enforcement Case Studies.
- 2023 Oregon Electrical Specialty Code (OESC) [73 Activities]
- 2023 NEC Changes Part 1
- Chapter 1 [22 Activities]
- 01. 100. Definitions. Scope.
- 02. 100 Definitions. Attachment Fitting, Weight-Supporting (WSAF). & Receptacle, Weight-Supporting Ceiling (WSCR).
- 03. 100 Definitions. Class 4 Circuit, Class 4 Device, Class 4 Power System, Class 4 Receiver, Class 4 Transmitter, Class 4 Utilization Equipment.
- 04. 100 Definitions. Cord Connector.
- 05. 100 Definitions. Counter (Countertop)
- 06. 100 Definitions. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter, Special Purpose.
- 07. 100. Definitions.?Ground-Fault Detector-Interrupter, dc (GFDI)?
- 08. 100 Grounding Conductor, Impedance.
- View Additional Activities
- 09. 100 Definitions. Grounded System, Impedance.
- 10. 100 Definitions. Panelboard, Enclosed. (Enclosed Panelboard)
- 11. 100 Definitions. Restricted Industrial Establishment.
- 12. 100 Definitions. Stored-Energy Power Supply System (SEPSS).
- 13. 100 Definitions. Work Surface.
- 14. 110.3(A)(8). Examination. Cybersecurity.
- 15. 110.3(B) 110.3(B) Installation and Use.
- 16. 110.16(B) Service Equipment and Feeder Supplied Equipment.
- 17. 110.17. Servicing and Maintenance of Equipment.
- 18. 110.20 Reconditioned Equipment.
- 19. 110.26 Spaces About Electrical Equipment.
- 20. 110.26(A)(6) Grade, Floor, or Working Platform.
- 21. 110.29 In Sight From (Within Sight From, Within Sight)
- 22. 110.33(A) Entrance to Enclosures and Access to Working Space. Entrance.
- Chapter 2 [53 Activities]
- 01. Article 210, Branch Circuits Not Over 1000 Volts ac, 1500 Volts dc, Nominal.
- 02. 210.2 Reconditioned Equipment
- 03. 210.5(C)(1) Branch Circuits Supplied from More than One Nominal Voltage System.
- 04. 210.8(A)(5) GFCI Protection for Personnel. Dwelling Units. Basements
- 05. 210.8(A)(6) GFCI Protection for Personnel. Dwelling Units. Kitchens
- 06. 210.8(A)(7) GFCI Protection for Personnel. Dwelling Units. Areas with Sinks
- 07. 210.8(B). GFCI Protection for Personnel. Other Than Dwelling Units.
- 08. 210.8(B) GFCI Protection for Personnel. Other Than Dwelling Units. Exceptions.
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- 09. 210.8(D) GFCI Protection for Personnel. Specific Appliances.
- 10. 210.8(F) GFCI Protection for Personnel. Outdoor Outlets
- 11. 210.11(C)(4) Dwelling Units. Garage Branch Circuits.
- 12. 210.12 Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection
- 13. 210.17 Guest Rooms and Guest Suites.
- 14. 210.18. Branch-Circuit Ratings. Rating
- 15. 210.23 Permissible Loads, Multiple-Outlet Branch Circuits.
- 16. Table 210.24(1) Summary of Branch-Circuit Requirements - Copper Conductors.
- 17. 210.52(A)(2). General Provisions. Wall Space.
- 18. 210.52(C)(1). Countertops & Work Surfaces. Wall Spaces.
- 19. 210.52(C)(2). Countertops & Work Surfaces. Island and Peninsular Countertops and Work Surfaces.
- 20. 210.52(C)(3) Receptacle Outlet Location.
- 21. 210.52(D) Bathrooms
- 22. 210.70 Lighting Outlets Required.
- 23. 210.70(A)(1) Dwelling Units. Habitable Rooms, Kitchens, Laundry Areas, and Bathrooms. Additional Locations
- 24. 215.15 Barriers.
- 25. 215.18 Surge Protection.
- 26. 220.41 Dwelling Unit(s). Minimum Unit Load.
- 27. 220.42 Lighting Load for Non-Dwelling Occupancies.
- 28. 220.57 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Load.
- 29. 220.110 Health Care Facilities. Receptacle Loads.
- 30. 220.120 Marinas. Receptacle Loads.
- 31. Article 225, Outside Branch Circuits and Feeders.
- 32. 225.41 Emergency Disconnects
- 33. 225.42. Surge Protection.
- 34. 230.7 Other Conductors.
- 35. 230.24(A) Clearances. Above Roofs.
- 36. 230.30(B) Wiring Methods.
- 37. 230.62(C) Barriers.
- 38. 230.67. Surge Protection.
- 39. 230.71(B) Two to Six Service Disconnecting Means.
- 40. 230.85 Emergency Disconnects
- 41. Article 235, Branch Circuits, Feeders, and Services Over 1000 Volts ac, 1500 Volts dc, Nominal.
- 42. 240.4(B) Overcurrent Devices Rated 800?Amperes or Less
- 43. 240.6(A) Standard Ampere Ratings for Fuses and Inverse Time Circuit Breakers
- 44. 242.9. Indicating
- 45. Article 245, Overcurrent Protection for Systems Rated Over 1000 Volts ac, 1500 volts dc.
- 46. 250.64(G) Enclosures with Ventilation Openings.
- 47. 250.68(C) Grounding Electrode Conductor Connections.
- 48. 250.118 Types of Equipment Grounding Conductors.
- 49. 250.130 Equipment Grounding Conductor Connections.
- 50. 250.130(C) Replacement of Nongrounding Receptacle or Snap Switch and Branch Circuit Extensions.
- 51. 250.140 Frames of Ranges and Clothes Dryers.
- 52. 250.148 Continuity of Equipment Grounding Conductors and Attachment in Boxes.
- 53. 250.186 Grounding Service-Supplied Alternating-Current Systems.
- Chapter 3 [15 Activities]
- 01. 300.4(E) Cables, Raceways, or Boxes Installed in or Under Metal-Corrugated Roof Decking.
- 02. Table 300.5(A) Minimum Cover Requirements, 0 to 1000 Volts ac, 1500 Volts dc, Nominal.
- 03. Article 305, General Requirements for Wiring Methods and Materials for Systems Rated Over 1000 volts ac, 1500 volts dc, Nominal.
- 04. 310.15(B)(2). Rooftop.
- 05. 312.10 Screws or Other Fasteners.
- 06. 314.27(E) Weight-Supporting Ceiling Receptacles (WSCR) and Weight-Supporting Attachment Fittings (WSAF).
- 07. 314.29(B) Underground.
- 08. 334.10 Uses Permitted.
- View Additional Activities
- 09. 334.15(B) Protection from Physical Damage.
- 10. 334.40(B) Boxes and Fittings. Devices of Insulating Material.
- 11. 344.28 Reaming and Threading.
- 12. 352.10 Uses Permitted.
- 13. 352.44 Expansion Fittings.
- 14. Article 369, Insulated Bus Pipe (IBP)/Tubular Covered Conductors (TCC) Systems.
- 15. Article 371, Flexible Bus Systems.
- Chapter 4, Part 1 [10 Activities]
- 01. 404.1 Switches. Scope.
- 02. 404.2(C) Switches Controlling Lighting Loads.
- 03. 404.14(D) Snap Switch Terminations.
- 04. 404.16 Reconditioned Equipment
- 05. 404.30 Switch Enclosures with Doors.
- 06. 406.3(D) Receptacle Terminations.
- 07. 406.4(G). Protection of Floor Receptacles.
- 08. 406.6(D) Receptacle Faceplate (Cover Plates) with Integral Night Light and/or USB Charger.
- 09. 406.9(A),(B) Damp Locations, Wet Locations.
- 10. 406.9(C) Bathtub and Shower Space.
- Chapter 1 [22 Activities]
- 2023 NEC Changes Part 2
- Chapter 4, Part 2 [14 Activities]
- 01. 406.12 Tamper-Resistant Receptacles
- 02. 408.4(B) Source of Supply.
- 03. 408.38 Enclosure.
- 04. 408.43 Panelboard Orientation.
- 05. 410.10(D) Bathtub and Shower Areas.
- 06. 410. Part XVII. Special Provisions for Germicidal Irradiation Luminaires.
- 07. 422.16(B) Specific Appliances.
- 08.422.18 Ceiling-Suspended (Paddle) Fans.
- View Additional Activities
- 09. 422.22 Utilizing Separable Attachment Fittings.
- 10. 424.93 Installation.
- 11. 430.113 Energy from More than One Source.
- 12. 440.8. Single Machine and Location
- 13. 440.11 Disconnecting Means. General.
- 14. 445.19 Emergency Shutdown of Prime Mover.
- Chapter 5 [29 Activities]
- 01. 500.1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations, Classes I, II, and III, Divisions 1 and 2. Scope.
- 02. 500.5(D) Class III Locations.
- 03. 500.7 Protection Techniques.
- 04. 500.8(E)(3) Unused Openings.
- 05. 501.10(A)(2) Class I, Division 1. Flexible Connections
- 06. 501.30(B) Bonding.
- 07. 502.30(B)(1), 503.30(B)(1) Bonding.
- 08. 503.10(A) Class III, Division 1.
- View Additional Activities
- 09. 505.8 Protection Techniques.
- 10. 505.15(C) Zone 2.
- 11. 505.16(B) Zone 1.
- 12. Article 512 Cannabis Oil Equipment and Cannabis Oil Systems Using Flammable Materials.
- 13. 517.6 Patient Care-Related Electrical Equipment.
- 14. 517.10(B). Not Covered.
- 15. 517.14 Panelboard Bonding
- 16. 517.20(A) Receptacles and Fixed Equipment.
- 17. 517.22 Demand Factors.
- 18. 517.30 Sources of Power.
- 19. 517.70 Diagnostic Imaging and Treatment Equipment. Applicability.
- 20. 518.5 Supply.
- 21. 547.26 Physical Protection.
- 22. 547.44 Equipotential Planes and Bonding of Equipotential Planes.
- 23. 550.16(C)(1) Exposed Non-Current-Carrying Metal Parts
- 24. 550.32. Service Equipment.
- 25. 550.33(A) Feeder Equipment.
- 26. 551.40(D). Loss of Ground Device.
- 27. 555.14 Equipotential Planes and Bonding of Equipotential Planes.
- 28. 555.15 Replacement of Equipment.
- 29. 555.36(C) Emergency Electrical Disconnect.
- Chapter 6 [25 Activities]
- 01. 620.22 Branch Circuits for Car Lighting, Receptacle(s), Ventilation, Heating and Air-Conditioning.
- 02. 620.23 Branch Circuits for Machine Room, Control Room/Machinery Space, Control Space, or Truss Interior Lighting and Receptacle(s).
- 03. 625.40 Electric Vehicle Branch Circuit.
- 04. 625.42 Rating.
- 05. 625.43 Disconnecting Means.
- 06. 625.49 Island Mode.
- 07. 625.102 Installation.
- 08. 626.1 Electrified Truck Parking Spaces. Scope.
- View Additional Activities
- 09. 630.8 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection for Personnel
- 10. 646.19 Entrance to and Egress from Working Space.
- 11. 680.5 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter (GFCI) and Special Purpose Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter (SPGFCI) Protection
- 12. 680.12 Equipment Rooms, Vaults, and Pits.
- 13. 680.21(D) Pool Pump Motor Replacement.
- 14. 680.22(A) Receptacles.
- 15. 680.26. Equipotential Bonding.
- 16. 680.32 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter (GFCI) and Special Purpose Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter (SPGFCI) Protection Overview
- 17. 680.43 Indoor Installations.
- 18. 680.54(B),(C) Bonding, Equipotential Bonding of Splash Pads.
- 19. 680.58 GFCI, SPGFCI Protection for Adjacent Receptacle Outlets.
- 20. 680.59 GFCI and SPGFCI Protection for Permanently Installed Nonsubmersible Pumps.
- 21. 680.83 Equipotential Bonding.
- 22. 690.4(G) PV Equipment Floating on Bodies of Water.
- 23. 690.12(D) Buildings with Rapid Shutdown.
- 24. 694.7 Construction and Maintenance.
- 25. 695.1. Fire Pumps. Scope.
- Chapter 7 [19 Activities]
- 01. 700.3 Tests and Maintenance.
- 02. 700.4(B) Selective Load Management.
- 03. 700.11 Wiring, Class-2 Powered Emergency Lighting Systems.
- 04. 700.12(C) Supply Duration.
- 05. 700.12(E) Stored-Energy Power Supply Systems (SEPSS).
- 06. 701.1. Legally Required Standby Systems. Scope.
- 07. 701.12(C)(3) Public Gas System, Municipal Water Supply.
- 08. 701.32 Selective Coordination.
- View Additional Activities
- 09. 702.7(A) Signs. Standby.
- 10. 702.12(B). Portable Generators 15kW or Less.
- 11. 705.10. Identification of Power Sources.
- 12. 706.7 Commissioning and Maintenance.
- 13. Article 724 Class 1 Power-Limited Circuits and Class 1 Power-Limited Remote-Control and Signaling Circuits.
- 14. Article 725, Class 2 and Class 3 Power-Limited Circuits.
- 15. 725.3(A) Spread of Fire or Products of Combustion.
- 16. Article 726 Class 4 Fault-Managed Power Systems
- 17. 750.6. Listing
- 18. 760.24(A) Mechanical Execution of Work.
- 19. 760.33 Supply-Side Overvoltage Protection.
- Chapter 8 [10 Activities]
- 01. 800.3 Other Articles.
- 02. 800.100(B)(2) Electrode. In Buildings or Structures with Grounding Means.
- 03. 800.100(B)(3) Electrode. In Buildings or Structures Without an Intersystem Bonding Termination or Grounding Means.
- 04. 800.113 Installation of Cables Used for Communication Circuits, Communications Wires, Cable Routing Assemblies, and Communications Raceways.
- 05. 800.179 Wires and Cables.
- 06. 810.15 Grounding or Bonding.
- 07. 830.40(B). Low-Power Circuits.
- 08. 830.47 Underground Network-Powered Broadband Communications Cables Entering Buildings.
- 09. 830.133(C) Splicing of Medium-Powered Network-Powered Communications Cables.
- 10. 830.160 Bends.
- Chapter 9 and Annexes [3 Activities]
- 01. Chapter 9, Table 1. Percent of Cross Section of Conduit and Tubing for Conductors and Cables.
- 02. Annex C, Table C.1 Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Tray Fill Tables for Conductors and Fixture Wires of the Same Size.
- 03. Annex K, Use of Medical Electrical Equipment in Dwellings and Residential Board-and-Care Occupancies.
- Chapter 4, Part 2 [14 Activities]
- Course Completion
- Mandatory Questionnaire
- Installation Checklists (2023 NEC) - Certificate of Completion (1 of 4)
- 2023 OESC and Oregon Rules - Certificate of Completion (2 of 4)
- 2023 NEC Changes Part 1 - Certificate of Completion (3 of 4)
- 2023 NEC Changes Part 2 - Certificate of Completion (4 of 4)
- Expedited Reporting Available
Instructor Bio

Jerry previously served the state of North Carolina as a Level III electrical inspector and provided state-approved electrical training for electrical inspectors at both Alamance County and Guilford County (NC) Community Colleges. Jerry taught the Kentucky state-approved four-year electrical apprenticeship programs offered by the Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) Trade School and Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Trade School, and served the state of Kentucky as a Master Electrician and Louisville Metro Code Enforcement Officer. Jerry is a Certified Distance Education Instructor (CDEI) and NCCER Core and Electrical Curriculum certified instructor. Jerry currently holds North Carolina and ICC electrical inspector accreditations and is recognized by the state of Washington as an approved electrical administrator.