New Mexico Plumbing Continuing Education

Our courses are approved with the New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department to meet all of your continuing education needs.

Take the continuing education to renew your NM plumbers license today. All of our courses can be completed At Your Pace Online to help you meet the state's requirements to maintain your license. Once you finish your course, we provide an official certificate of completion for your records. Learn more about our state reporting service here.


New Mexico 16-Hour Package for Journeyman Plumbers

clock hour icon 16h course

This is package is specifically designed to meet all of the education requirements of a Journeyman Plumber to renew your license. This package includes:

  • 2021 UPC Update
  • Common Plumbing Problems

Our New Mexican Plumbing continuing education courses are done At Your Own Pace.

NM Construction Industries Division Approved

4.5 42 Reviews

New Mexico Industry-Related - Common Plumbing Problems

clock hour icon 8h course

This course provides eight hours of content on topics central to the plumbing trades. It includes a comprehensive module on all aspects of residential water heaters followed by an in-depth survey of some of the most often cited violations and thorny plumbing areas and how to address them. The final module provides two hours of OSHA Safety Training for Plumbers. The class is designed to fulfill the eight hours of course content on industry-related topics.

NM Construction Industries Division Approved. Credit Type: Industry-Related

4.7 15 Reviews

New Mexico 2021 UPC Update

clock hour icon 8h course

This class provides eight hours of required content on code changes with a focus on all amendments made by the Mechanical and Plumbing Bureau when adopting the 2021 UPC for the state followed by an in-depth survey of the significant changes made to the model 2021 Uniform Plumbing Code, on which the 2021 NMPC is based.

NM Construction Industries Division Approved. Credit Type: Code

4.4 16 Reviews

New Mexico Industry-Related - Drainage Systems Disposal or Reuse

clock hour icon 8h course

This 8-hour class on topics central to the plumbing trades is designed to accompany a required 8-hour code change class to fulfill the 16 hours needed to renew a plumber's license in New Mexico. It provides a comprehensive study on all aspects of residential and commercial sanitary drainage systems as well as recent developments in grease interceptors. After a brief overview of Rainwater Harvesting, the class covers two related topics, both experiencing rapid changes - POWTS (Private Onsite Water Treatment Systems) and systems that reuse graywater.

NM Construction Industries Division Approved. Credit Type: Industry-Related

4.4 9 Reviews

New Mexico Safety for Plumbers

clock hour icon 4h course

This four-hour course teaches New Mexico plumbers about workplace safety standards and common concerns. It includes segments that focus on several topics, including common workplace hazards, flammable and combustible materials, general workplace safety, hazardous substances, and physical strains experienced by plumbers. 

NM Construction Industries Division Approved. Credit Type: Industry-Related


New Mexico Sanitary Drainage Systems

clock hour icon 4h course

This four-hour course teaches plumbers in New Mexico about the design, installation, and maintenance of efficient residential and commercial sanitary drainage systems. It also explains why grease interceptors are important and examines how fats, oils, and greases (F.O.G.) affect plumbing systems.

NM Construction Industries Division Approved. Credit Type: Industry-Related


New Mexico Water Heaters

clock hour icon 4h course

This educational course offers plumbers in New Mexico a comprehensive look at residential water heaters. The training includes an overview of gas and electric model components, safety considerations, maintenance protocols and the impact of new energy-saving technologies for commercial application. 

NM Construction Industries Division Approved. Credit Type: Industry-Related

CE Requirements to Renew a NM Plumbers License

Figuring out how to renew your New Mexico plumbing certificate isn’t necessarily easy. Your license gets issued by the New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department (RLD), and here you’ll find everything you need to know to renew a New Mexico plumbing certificate, including the continuing education unit (CEU) requirement.


How to renew

To renew your New Mexico journeyman plumbing and mechanical certificate, you just need to do two things:


Take continuing education units (CEUs)

The state requires you to take sixteen hours of continuing education during each three-year renewal period. This applies if you have any of the following journeyman designations:

  • Journeyman plumber (JP)
  • Journeyman pipefitter (JPF)
  • Journeyman gas (JG)
  • Journeyman plumber-gas (JPG)
  • Journeyman sheetmetal (JSM)
  • Journeyman sprinkler (JS)
  • Journeyman refrigeration (JR)
  • Journeyman fire protection (MS-12J, or MS 14J)

To count toward the New Mexico plumbing certificate CEU requirement, those sixteen hours need to be broken into two categories:

  • Eight hours on code changes and updates
  • Eight hours on other plumbing-related topics

You don’t need to sign up for a seminar or go to a classroom to get these hours. And you don’t need to take time off work, either. You can take your New Mexico plumber CEUs online at your own pace. 

Once you get your 16 CEUs done, you’re ready to send in your renewal application. 


Submit your renewal online

You can renew your license online using the MyLicense portal. 

If you’ve never set up your user ID and password, you can do so online. You’ll need your license number and your registration code. That code should be printed on the renewal notice you get from the state.

When you get logged into the MyLicense system, you’ll need to pay a renewal fee as part of the renewal process. Have a payment method handy and getting your renewal submitted should be easy.

State Of New Mexico Plumbing License Renewal Deadlines

  • Your journeyman plumbing license expires every three years.
  • To keep it active, you need to renew it before the last day of the month you got it. So, if you got your license in September, you need to renew it by September 30 every three years. Or if you got it in March, you need to renew by March 31 every three years.

You should get a renewal notice in the mail, but that all depends on the state having the correct address for you. It’s your responsibility to renew on time, whether or not you get a notice.