Mississippi 1 Hour Professional Engineer and Surveyor Ethics Course
1 Hour Course
- $10.00
This one-hour class is intended to fulfill the requirement for one hour of ethics training for professional engineers and surveyors in Mississippi. The class provides an overview of ethics, including the reasons for a code of ethics and why it benefits engineers to follow ethical practices. After a look at the duties that form the basis of a code of ethics (such as Expertise, Honesty, Fidelity, and Objectivity) the last half of the class explores the Code of Ethics of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), one of the preeminent Codes in the industry.
It’s vital for all professional engineers and surveyors to continually assess how ethics are relevant to the tasks at hand and to refresh their knowledge and practice of ethics and in particular how they are applied in the real world. This class helps in that task.
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Instructor Bio

Charles "Chuck" Price is At Your Pace Online's Subject Matter Expert for the Electrical Trade. He started out in grocery management at the age of 18 and after 5 years decided to venture into the electrical trade in 1996. He served his apprenticeship and quickly became a foreman running work. He gained experience in many facets of the trade such as working on traffic signals, hospitals and healthcare buildings, waste water treatment plants, and many commercial applications including telecommunications data centers. He currently is working for the area's largest healthcare system.
One of his passions is working with kids - and that starts with his own two boys! He has coached youth football and basketball at several levels and is part of a men's organization that raises money for the youth as well. He is a leader in the local 4-H group, helping kids learn about animal science. All in all, Chuck focuses on being the best father he can be, while maintaining a firm grasp on the ever-changing electrical industry.