Massachusetts 6 Hour Specialty CSL Renewal Course

  • 6 Hour Course
  • 4.7 272 Reviews
  • $79.00

Massachusetts Construction Supervisor Specialty License Renewals, with a special focus on Residential Building Codes. It fulfills two hours of required code review, one hour of required content on the Massachusetts Energy Code, and one hour of required content on best practices for construction businesses. The course also provides two hours of OSHA Safety Training, which comprises one hour of required content and one hour of elective content. The course fully satisfies the CE requirement during this renewal period for Specialty licensees; any CSL other than Specialty licensees can use these six hours toward the completion of their full 10 or 12-hour requirement.

  • Approved By: Massachusetts Division of Professional Licensure

Instructor Bio


At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in every state to offer professional continuing education.

Course Reviews

272 Reviews