Louisiana 6 Hour: Getting the Roof Over Your Head

  • 6 Hour Course
  • 4.8 1116 Reviews
  • $59.00

The course is made up of six hours of continuing education content intended for contractors in Louisiana.

A Drywall Overview (1 Hour)

In this segment, students will learn what exactly drywall consists of and what it is used for, along with a short history. Students will be able to tell the difference between types of drywall. In addition, students will learn which tools, fasteners, and methods are used during drywall installation, how to best repair drywall damage, and how to successfully utilize drywall safety procedures.

A Guide to Brick Block and Masonry (2.5 Hours)

In this segment, a student will cover several topics including the proper definition and usage of many common masonry terms, the proper way to perform a variety important masonry functions, and the main types of concrete and brick walls.

Additionally, the student will learn the importance of post construction cleaning and how to match the correct method with the correct wall type.

A B C’s of Roof Maintenance and Repair (2.5 Hours)

This segment will teach students about the different types of damage roofs face.

This segment examines the common maintenance and repair concerns for different roofing materials.

Lastly, this segment talks about how the different types of roofing materials affect each other for a re-roofing project.

  • Approved By: Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors

Instructor Bio


At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in every state to offer professional continuing education.

Course Reviews

1116 Reviews