Georgia Plumbing Continuing Education

Our Georgia plumbing continuing education courses are approved by the state to satisfy your continuing education requirements.

Take the continuing education to renew your GA plumbers license today. All of our courses can be completed At Your Pace Online to help you meet the state's requirements to maintain your license. Once you finish your course, we provide an official certificate of completion for your records. Learn more about our state reporting service here.


Georgia 4 Hour 2018 IPC Updates and Plumbing Topics

clock hour icon 4h course

This 4 hour course includes the following topics:

  • 2018 International Plumbing Code Review (2 Hour)
  • OSHA 1926: Safety and Health Regulations (2 Hours)
4.7 552 Reviews

Georgia 4 Hour Plumbing Safety and Professionalism Course

clock hour icon 4h course

This 4 hour course includes the following topics:

  • Basic Professionalism Concepts (1 Hours)
  • OSHA 1926: Safety and Health Regulations (2 Hours)
4.8 375 Reviews

CE Requirements to Renew a GA Plumbers License

Good news, Georgia plumbers. You don’t need very much continuing education (CE) in order to keep your license active. And you can get the hours you do need online and on-demand, so you can take them whenever and wherever it’s best for you. 

How many CE hours you need (journeymen and master plumbers)

Whether you’re a journeyman or master plumber, the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia say that you need four continuing education hours each year. That means that by the time your renewal application is due every two years, you need to have completed eight total hours.  

If you recently got your plumber license and haven’t had it for a full two years, your CE requirement adjusts accordingly:

  • If you’ve had your license for one full year by the time renewal is due, you need four CE hours.
  • If it will have been less than a year since you got your license, you’re off the hook. That applies to the first renewal cycle only. Next time around, you’ll need the full eight hours.

That applies to this renewal cycle only. Next time around, you’ll need the full eight hours. 

If you don’t meet the applicable CE requirement during each renewal cycle, you can be subject to disciplinary action, which the state says can include denying your license renewal or revoking it entirely.

Long story short, if you want to continue working as a licensed plumber, make sure you’re getting four CE hours each year. 

Getting CE that counts

Your hours need to be focused on the work you do. In fact, your hours need to fall into predetermined categories.

Journeymen, you can take hours on plumbing:

  • Installation
  • Design
  • State codes
  • Products, tools, and materials
  • Innovations and new techniques
  • Safety
  • Work-related legal issues

Master plumbers, you can take CE hours on any of the above, plus:

  • Environmental issues
  • Business issues

The good news is the state allows you to take your CE online, so getting your four hours each year shouldn’t be a big hassle. 

Reporting your CE for renewal

In order to renew your license, you’ll need to list your completed CE hours on the renewal application, which you can complete online.  

Don’t toss out your CE course certificates of completion when you submit your renewal, though. State law requires you to keep records on your CE for at least five years, and the state can ask for them at any time. 

If you do get a records request, the state will want to see paperwork that shows:

  • The name of the education provider
  • The course title
  • When and where you completed the course
  • How many hours you took

To make that easy for you, our Georgia plumbing CE comes with a certificate of completion that we automatically send you each time you finish a course. 

State Of Georgia Plumbing License Renewal Deadlines

  • You must renew your license by November 30, every even year.
Agency Requirements for licensure