Colorado Plumbing Continuing Education

Our continuing education courses are approved by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies to satisfy your continuing education requirements.​ Once you finish your course, we provide an official certificate of completion for your records. Learn more about our state reporting service here.


Colorado 8-Hour Package for Colorado Plumbers

clock hour icon 8h course

Save on this 8-hour package for Colorado plumbers! The package Includes the required code update hours:

  • 2021 IPC Update Part 2
  • Safety for Plumbers Part 1
  • Common Problems in Plumbing
4.4 102 Reviews

Colorado Water Heaters

clock hour icon 4h course

This course teaches Colorado plumbers about residential water heater components and their mechanisms. It includes an overview of gas and electric unit frameworks, safety protocols, plumbing codes, maintenance tips and emerging energy-efficient technologies that can be applied in both residential and commercial settings.

Credit Type: Core

4.7 26 Reviews

Colorado 2021 IPC Update Part 1

clock hour icon 4h course

This course teaches Colorado plumbers about the changes found in chapters one through six of the 2021 International Plumbing Code. Topics covered include general regulations, definitions, fixtures, faucets, water heater requirements, and more.

Credit Type: Code

4.7 29 Reviews

Colorado Sanitary Drainage Systems

clock hour icon 4h course

This four-hour online course teaches Colorado plumbers the basics of sanitary drainage systems (SDS), including best practices for designing, installing and maintaining SDS in residential and commercial settings. Participants will also learn about the importance of grease interceptors and their role in managing fats, oils and grease (F.O.G.) effectively.

Credit Type: Core

4.3 8 Reviews

Colorado 2021 IPC Update Part 2

clock hour icon 4h course

Colorado plumbers who take this course will learn about the changes found in chapters seven through 15 of the 2021 International Plumbing Code. Lessons cover sanitary drainage, waste requirements, storm drainage, nonpotable water systems, and more.

Credit Type: Code

4.7 15 Reviews

Colorado Safety for Plumbers Part 2

clock hour icon 2h course

This online course offers two hours of instruction on safety concerns and standards for plumbers in Colorado. Part two covers workplace biohazards, physical strains and hazards, and a review of safety requirements. 

Credit Type: Safety


Colorado Common Problems in Plumbing

clock hour icon 2h course

This class provides a brisk and often entertaining survey of the most often cited violations and thorny plumbing areas such as cleanouts, pipe grading, corrosion, handicapped access, and customer abuse of the plumbing system. Along with a discussion of how these problems arise, the class offers tried-and-true strategies for addressing these common problem areas.

Credit Type: Core

4.9 7 Reviews

Colorado Graywater and POWTS

clock hour icon 2h course

Instead of a broad survey, this class dives deep into a single topic central to the plumbing trades, including discussions of underlying principles and of best practices. It offers a comprehensive course of study on two related areas, both of which are experiencing rapid changes POWTS (Private Onsite Water Treatment Systems) and systems that reuse graywater.

Credit Type: Core


Colorado Safety for Plumbers Part 1

clock hour icon 2h course

This first part of the course provides two hours of instruction on safety concerns and standards for plumbers in Colorado. It covers several topics, including general workplace safety, hazardous substances, flammable and combustible materials, and common workplace hazards. 

Credit Type: Safety

4.6 5 Reviews

CE Requirements to Renew a CO Plumbers License​

  • Residential, Journeyman, and Master Plumbers are required to complete eight hours of continuing education each year.​
  • Four hours must be code-related​
  • No more than two hours can be devoted to safety​
  • Continuing Education Requirement: 16 hours every renewal cycle (eight hours required per year).​

State Of Colorado Plumbing License Renewal Deadlines

  • Plumbing licenses expire on February 28, every odd year.