Renew an Arkansas Elevator Safety Division License

Written by Kacie Goff

In Arkansas, getting and maintaining your elevator license can feel like a little bit of a free-for-all. Technically, you can — and probably should — follow the proper license protocols. But per state code § 20-24-109, the Arkansas Department of Labor & Licensing has the option to issue emergency licenses whenever they see fit. 

Ultimately, it might make it tempting to wait around for license renewal until the state decides they really need your work. But here’s the thing: these emergency licenses only last 30 days. So they’re nothing to hang your hat on. Instead, if you want to earn a productive living as an elevator inspector, contractor, or mechanic, you’re going to want to renew your license on time.

We can help with exactly that. Here are all the steps you need to take — and the easiest way to complete them — in order to renew your Arkansas elevator license. 

Arkansas elevator inspectors and mechanics

In order to renew most Arkansas elevator license types, you need to comply with the state’s continuing education (CE) requirements. This rule has been in effect for more than a decade, so you might already be familiar with it.

Specifically, during each renewal period, you need eight hours of continuing education. You can take a single eight-hour course such as this one, or you can break it into pieces, whichever is best for you. 

The positive news is that you don’t need to go sit in a classroom for a full workday in order to meet this CE requirement. The Elevator Safety Division has okayed some online CE so you can get the hours you need from the comfort of your own home or office. Plus, with on-demand CE, you can knock out your hours whenever your schedule allows — even in the middle of a busy workweek. 

Mechanic renewal

Beyond that, elevator mechanics are only required to do one other thing for renewal: pay a fee.

  • For an Arkansas elevator mechanic license, it’s $150 to renew.
  • This renewal fee, along with your eight hours of CE, is due on January 31 every two years. 

Inspector renewal

Unlike mechanics, who get a biennial renewal process, you need to take renewal steps annually. Specifically:

  • By January 31 each year, you need to complete eight hours of CE and pay the renewal fee
  • For you, it’s $100 to renew (unless you work for the Department of Labor, in which case it’s free)

To renew, you also need to submit:

  • Proof of insurance
  • Your annual financial disclosure statement (it needs to be on a form approved by the Division, too)


You’re off the hook for CE, but you still need to submit your renewal items by January 31 each year. That includes your $250 renewal fee and proof of insurance. 

Late renewals

If you’re late in getting your CE done or sending in your fee, don’t panic. The state will still accept your renewal materials provided you get them in within six months of your expiration date. You’ll just need to pay a $20 late fee. 

If you have any questions about the renewal process, you can contact Debbie Probst of the Arkansas Department of Labor, Elevator Safety Division. She’s at (501) 682-4538 or